Kana Kittyは踊る――祈るように、叫ぶように、時に遊ぶように。
Kana Kitty dances—as if in prayer, as if in a cry, and at times, as if in play.
“Gal Shaman” boldly fuses the mysticism of ancient rituals with the vibrant pulse of modern gal culture.
The “gal” embodies the power to challenge conventions through unrestrained self-expression. Meanwhile, Butoh is an art form that speaks to the world through the body alone.
Witness the union of divine whispers and the gal spirit, breaking new ground in the realm of Butoh.
カナキティ活動15周年記念 舞踏ソロ公演
開場 16:30 開演 17:00
料金:前売 4500円 当日4800円
ゲスト出演:Rion Watley
会場:高架下空き倉庫(高円寺) https://www.jrtk.jp/koukashita-akisoko/
〒166-0004 東京都杉並区阿佐谷南2-36
宣伝写真:Solène Ballesta
舞台監督:谷口猛 (写楽街 -Sharaku Town-)
WEB制作:Thomas Kuhnert
お問合せ: kanakitty2009@gmail.com
Kana Kitty 15th Anniversary Butoh Solo Performance
Performance Date and Time:
December 22, 2024 (Sunday)
Doors Open: 16:30 | Performance Starts: 17:00
Ticket Prices:
Advance: ¥4,500 | At the Door: ¥4,800
Kana Kitty
Costume Design:
Guest Performer:
Rion Watley
Koukashita Akisouko (Koenji) https://www.jrtk.jp/koukashita-akisoko/
2-36 Asagayaminami, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 166-0004
(6-minute walk from JR Koenji Station)
The venue is a warehouse located under the railway viaduct between JR Koenji Station and JR Asagaya Station, right off Umabashi Street. Look for the large shutter.

Cast: カナキティ – Kana Kitty
舞踏家。青山学院女子短期大学芸術学科卒業。在学中絵画の授業で舞踏に出逢う。自身の表現を探求すべく、師を持たず独自に踊り始め、ギャルシャーマン舞踏を確立。ヨーロッパを始め国内外の芸術祭に招聘される一方、映画「ブルーピリオド」(2024年8/9全国公開)やDIR EN GREY「落ちた事のある空」他、映像作品への出演多数。2021・22年MUTEK 出演、その他テクノ DJとの共演、ファッションブランドのモデルなど活動は多岐に渡り、舞踏の認知拡大・次世代の舞踏の提示に努めている。
A self-taught Butoh dancer, she founded “GAL SHARMAN Butoh” to explore her own unique expression. Her work has been featured at numerous art festivals across Europe and internationally, as well as in films like “Blue Period” and music videos for DIR EN GREY. She performed at MUTEK in 2021 and 2022. Her diverse activities include collaborations with techno DJs and modeling for fashion brands, all aimed at broadening the recognition of Butoh and shaping its future for the next generation.

Costume design: TESSEY
1997 年 ⽯川県⽣まれ
透明素材(主に PVC)に独⾃のカットパターンによる裁断を加え、⼈間の⾝体に纏わせることで造形を展開させる。
PVC 素材の耐候性、耐⽔性を活かした⾃然環境での撮影によって、未だ確認されていない新⽣物を表現する。
A costume artist born in 1997 in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan.
TESSEY specializes in using transparent materials, primarily PVC, and creates unique forms by applying his original cutting patterns. By photographing these creations in natural environments, he takes advantage of PVC’s weather and water resistance to depict novel, unidentified life forms.
Available for pre-order now.
Guest Performer: Rion Watley (リオン・ワトリー)
Street contemporary Dancer / Artist / Moving director
舞台以外でも、G-SHOCK、Adidas、Y-3、NEWoMan 2024、などの広告モデルやMV出演、CM振付など、ジャンルを越えた独自の活躍を広げる。
Born in Kyoto, Japan. He started dancing after breakdancing, and has been active as “nouses” since 2007.
He has won awards at street dance contests and performed in many operas and stage productions in Japan and abroad.
With his outstanding technical skills and artistry, he has established a one-of-a-kind dance style that embraces contemporary, floor-moving, improvisation, and more.
In addition to the stage, he has been active as a model for advertisements and music videos for G-Shock, Adidas, Y-3, NEWoMan 2024, and others, as well as choreographing commercials, and is expanding his unique activities beyond genres.